Children’s Day: 5 ways to assist your child acquire good money habits

Updated: 14 Nov 2022, 01:26 PM IST

Early financial education puts kids on the road to being financially literate, which offers them an advantage in their adult life. We discuss few simple yet efficient ways to help your child develop good money management skills.

To help them manage their finances, teach your kids the distinction between necessities and wants.

You want what's best for your kids as a parent. This does not necessarily imply that you want them to have the most fashionable attire, the newest toys, or the trendiest technology. Most likely, it indicates that you desire to keep them protected and safe. And you want to create a solid foundation for them so they may succeed in life. This largely revolves around their money management skills.

According to several studies, parents have a huge impact on how their kids handle money. Being the first to have an impact on their children's financial behaviour, parents should not limit their education on financial responsibility to the piggy bank. Early financial education puts kids on the road to being financially literate, which offers them an advantage in their adult life.

We discuss few simple yet efficient ways to help your child develop good money management skills.

Set up a good example

Children supposedly learn the majority of their financial skills at home. Therefore, how their parents manage their finances and accounts can have a significant impact on how they manage their own money. Do you have a set spending limit and are you aware of how much money is available for savings?

READ MORE: Children’s Day: 5 ways to secure your child’s financial future?

Your children may learn how to be proactive about balancing income and spending by watching how you manage your money and keep a tight rein on your input and outflow. Even if they are little, your kids will undoubtedly notice these items, which will teach them the worth of money.

Include them in everyday money decisions

When children want to purchase an expensive item, encourage them to consider their reasons for wanting it, the value they will derive from it, their ability to afford it or their potential ability to earn the money to purchase it, and the relative importance of the item to them in comparison to other options.

Get kids engaged in regular supermarket shopping so they can see how much common things cost. Have them assist you in weighing the price and value of several brands to help you decide what to buy. When purchasing an expensive item with your children, it's crucial to talk about the characteristics you value, what you can afford, and how to strike a compromise.

Open a bank account for them

Children's savings accounts, which are a terrific educational tool for parents, are offered by dozens of banks and credit unions. You will have complete control over the account and the funds as the parent. Each bank offers distinct benefits and drawbacks for kid-friendly savings accounts. The majority of them are free and simple to access.

READ MORE: Children's Day: Imbibe the habit of saving in your child by opening a bank account

Spend some time researching each bank before deciding which one is ideal for you and your child. Your youngster may receive a debit card, depending on the sort of account you create. Giving your child their own card may sound absurd, but it's a great opportunity to show them at a young age that using a debit card involves more than simply spending fictional money.

Help them distinguish between needs and wants

To help them manage their finances, teach your kids the distinction between necessities and wants. Asking kids what would happen if the family spent all of the available money on video games for a week without making any grocery purchases is an excellent suggestion. Let them consider this; then emphasize the importance of paying for necessities first, such as food, before acquiring wants such as games and gadgets.

For the child, try introducing a game of options. Get the youngster to understand that they can have either this or that, but not both by tapping into it. This useful financial lesson is also quite simple to impart. Give the youngster a few straightforward options and let them decide. Understanding the value of not having everything is crucial.

Teach them the importance of budgeting

Children should be taught the notion that "money doesn't grow on trees" at a young age. To live within your means, demonstrate to them how you build and maintain a monthly budget. Watching you manage your finances is one thing; having them manage it independently is quite another. Early budgeting education will spare your kids a tonne of money problems when they become older.

READ MORE: Children's Day: Single premium vs Regular premium child plans: Which is better?

Give your children weekly duties, and, ideally, reward them accordingly. This will make your kids feel successful and teach them the virtue of perseverance. Teaching your children to budget their limited funds might be challenging because they don't receive a paycheck outside of chores, but it's one method to instil good financial habits.

Allow them to make some errors so they may learn from them. Talk about possibilities for the future and encourage them by sharing financial errors you've made in the past that you've since learned from. Kids can avoid making some serious blunders in the future by learning some excellent money habits now.

We explain here how to review budget efficiently
First Published: 14 Nov 2022, 01:26 PM IST