Pathway to invest in your 20s to be wealthy in your 30s

Updated: 24 Jul 2022, 09:07 AM IST

Certain behaviours you adopt early in your life and career, such as in your 20s, may help you become wealthy in your 30s if you start modestly. We share some useful mantras here that would go a long way in helping you build wealth

By taking a few smart steps of investment in your 20s, may ensure you become wealthy in your 30s and beyond.

Most of us wish to be affluent in our future. For the most part, becoming self-made millionaires is a far-fetched goal. But the fact is that accumulating wealth isn't all about hoping for "someday." You can never start accumulating money too late in life, but if you start while you're young, you'll have a far better chance of amassing a fortune—and more time to let that fortune compound as you become older.

However, living in your 20s and 30s is not without its difficulties; you may be saddled with university loans, a precarious job, and a slew of other unknowns that prevent you from doing all you'd like to do to increase your wealth quicker. 

The fact is that even if you start small, certain behaviours that you develop early in your life and work, such as in your 20s, may help you become wealthy in your 30s. Let us try to discuss some of them.

Put an end to your procrastination

The youth's mistake is to believe that there is always enough time to do everything. Young people often assume that retirement or money accumulation is something that happens later in life, and they are more focused with immediate issues. 

Unfortunately, this frequently results in a loop of "Oh, I should do that next month," month after month, until you're ten years late and have lost out on a decade's worth of compounding interest. The first step is to quit delaying; saving and investing might be intimidating, but the longer you wait, the less benefits you will receive.

Recognise that magic does not exist

The basic goals are straightforward: make more money than you spend and invest the difference wisely. It's up to you how you invest (with a few exceptions listed below), but the obvious objective is to make investments that will likely generate more money in the future. That is all there is to it. Making more money, spending less money, and investing properly are all methods to do this.

Think of yourself as an investment

Your next objective should be to invest in yourself; you are your finest resource for accumulating money. Investing in yourself entails devoting more time to your education, honing your skills, and reaching out to new individuals who can assist you in achieving your objectives. 

The more educated, talented, experienced, and connected you are, the more value chances you will have, which will result in better pay and more alternatives in the future, all of which will help you create a stronger financial foundation.

Pathway to invest in your 20s to be wealthy in your 30s

Make a financial plan

Remember point two: make more money, spend less, and invest wisely. The last point discussed how to make more money, and this one discusses how to spend less. Make a thorough budget for yourself based on your anticipated earnings and existing spending.

Set tight spending boundaries and keep a careful watch on where the majority of your money goes—you might be shocked at where you squander the most money. Once you've figured out what you need to spend, you can start revising your budget to spend as little as possible and put the remainder into a savings or investment account.

Reduce your debt

It's typically a good idea to pay off any debts you may have accrued before you start saving and investing consistently. Credit card debt, school debt, and even auto loans may all have high interest rates that pull you down, requiring monthly instalments that eat into your income while accruing additional interest and penalties (in case of delayed payments) that rob you of even more money in the future. Don't let this eat away at your potential; instead, make it a top goal to pay off your debt as quickly as possible.

Take chances

If you're young, you can take chances. Invest in stocks with a higher risk-to-reward ratio. Consider quitting your work and launching your own start-up. Take advantage of new enterprises and possibilities. You'll have plenty of time to make up for it if things go wrong.

Most rich people will tell you that taking measured risks has been one of their most important keys to success. The majority of people take the safe road, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, you'll have to attempt something new, which may be uncomfortable.


In your twenties and thirties, taking risks can pay off handsomely, but it's also a smart idea to diversify your investments. Don't limit yourself to just one set of skills or professional contacts. Don't rely on a single form of investment or risk your entire funds on a single endeavour.

Rather, strive to diversify your revenue sources, create several backup plans for your goals and enterprises, and hedge your risks by seeking fresh possibilities everywhere. This will shield you against catastrophic losses and enhance your chances of making it big in one of your endeavours.

You may start collecting riches no matter where you are in life by fully implementing these seven strategies. Yes, the initial stages are difficult—paying off debt, putting up an investment portfolio, establishing your credentials, and so on—but if you do them early and correctly, you'll set yourself up for huge financial success later on. You may make errors, but you can't afford to repeat them. Instead, strive to learn from them and use them as a key to unlocking your success.

First Published: 24 Jul 2022, 09:07 AM IST