scorecardresearchMore inclined towards considering investments in real estate by observing

More inclined towards considering investments in real estate by observing elders, says student Riddhi Shrivastwa

Updated: 16 Jul 2023, 09:58 AM IST

In order to comprehend what money means to today's youth in a growing world, this series explores students and young working professionals and their perspectives on money and finance.

 I prioritise investing in activities or products that offer therapeutic value, says student Riddhi Shrivastwa

I prioritise investing in activities or products that offer therapeutic value, says student Riddhi Shrivastwa

Freedom is a cherished concept that extends beyond the realm of personal liberties and encompasses the realm of finances as well. With financial freedom, individuals can make choices that align with their values and aspirations, whether it's choosing a fulfilling career, investing in personal growth, supporting their loved ones, or contributing to causes they believe in.

Riddhi Shrivastwa of Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, tells MintGenie in an interview that she has a strong inclination to allocate her expenses towards items and experiences that have long-term benefits and contribute to her overall well-being.

Her interests primarily revolve around three main areas: Bollywood, food, and spirituality. In addition to her dedication to pursuing a bachelor's degree in architecture, these hobbies bring her joy and fulfillment in her daily life.

Edited Excerpts:

What does money mean to you? Is it the most important factor when it comes to your life decisions like what to study, career and so forth?

Money is definitely essential for meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. Beyond that, money also provides a sense of security, freedom, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

However, while money can be an essential factor in life decisions, for me, it is not actually the most important factor in life. People's priorities and values vary greatly, and different individuals may prioritise other aspects of life. For example, I, as an individual, prioritise personal fulfillment, relationships, and making a positive impact on society. My ultimate decision-making factor depends on my emotional and mental needs, which are not always related to finances.

What do you spend your money on every month at the moment? Can you give a breakup in percentage terms?

As an architecture student, a significant portion, approximately 40-50%, of my expenses is dedicated to stationary supplies and academic-related materials. The remaining half of my budget is spent on various aspects such as food, shopping, travel, and other miscellaneous expenditures.

What are the things you want to spend money on?

Personally, I have a strong inclination to allocate my expenses towards items and experiences that have long-term benefits and contribute to my overall well-being. Instead of seeking fleeting moments of happiness, I prioritise investments in activities or products that offer therapeutic value and contribute to my future growth and fulfillment.

Do you save money? If yes, how frequently and what do you do with this money?

Yes, I do save money sometimes. I don't really know why, but I have this habit of putting some money aside as savings. There isn't necessarily a specific reason or motive behind it; the desire to accumulate a reserve of money simply exists within me, providing a sense of comfort and security.

What does having a job mean to you? What are the top two factors you will want to think about when deciding a company to work for?

Having a job surely ensures financial stability, independence, personal fulfillment, social interaction, and professional and personal development, while also allowing for a contribution to society. My two deciding factors for choosing a company would be work-life balance and the working culture/environment of the office.

What do you think about investing your money? If you have a certain amount of money set aside, will you want to invest it in the stock market, mutual funds, or would you just keep it in your bank savings account?

I don't possess much knowledge or expertise in the field of investing, so I don't have a strong opinion on it. However, observing my elders and family members, I am inclined towards considering investments in properties and real estate as a potentially favorable option compared to other alternatives.

Do you think you have an understanding on how to save and invest? If yes, how did you learn? If not, are you trying to learn?

No, I don't possess extensive knowledge in this field, but I make an effort to observe and learn from people around me who have achieved success and obtained favorable returns through their investments. Many members of my family have engaged in investing, particularly in real estate, and I strive to understand the different factors and motivations behind their decisions.

Do you follow social media influencers and follow their investment advice?

No, I do not follow social media influencers for investment advice. I lack interest in and curiosity about investing. Moreover, I firmly believe that authentic sources should be the foundation of our learning journey, especially when it comes to such important matters.

Do you talk to your mother or your father about money and learn from them or follow their advice?

I haven't had explicit conversations with my parents about money and investing, but my father has always been a role model for me in this regard. I know that whenever I need advice or guidance in these areas, he is the person I can confidently turn to for valuable insights and support.

Build your mental map with new investing pathways
First Published: 16 Jul 2023, 09:58 AM IST